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All data is stored permanently on Arweave. With Irys, your data is performant and scalable – forever.

Data stored via Irys comes with strong provenance.

Why does permanent data matter?

All valuable data should be permanent.

Permanence gives data maximum security by eliminating the risk of censorship. Irys guarantees that data on it will function exactly as intended, forever.

See what you can build with permanent data.


Volumetric scaling

Can handle millions of transactions per second and limitless data volumes

Instant uploads

Upload data to Irys in as little as 8ms

Frictionless integration

3-4 lines of code to integrate Irys

Pay in any token

Pay to use Irys in 16 supported tokens

Data stored permanently

Permanent on Arweave

All data on Irys is permanently onchain via Arweave. Today, Irys is handling over 90% of all transaction volume on Arweave.

Instant uploads and volumetric scaling

With instant uploads and the ability to scale to millions of transactions per second, Irys' performance is on par with traditional storage providers.

Irys is ready to store the world’s data.

Frictionless for developers

Our SDK can be integrated with just 3-4 lines of code.

You can sign and pay for storage in any of our 16 supported tokens, including ETH, SOL, and MATIC.

Learn how simple working with Irys is.

Learn more about


Sequence data with extreme precision


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